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    Ashampoo Snap

    Capture and edit any screen content

    There's no easier way to create screenshots and videos than using Ashampoo Snap 10. Capture and edit anything you see on your screen.

    Flexibility and precision for your captures

    Use pixel precision with your captures. Entire screen, single web sites or individual sections - turn them into images or videos with Snap. Work with timers, auto-scroll through websites or use smart text recognition, the possibilities are endless. A single click or key stroke is all it takes for Snap 10 to spring into action!

    All the information you need in a single image

    Snap 10 makes it easy to share relevant information with others quickly. Use arrows, graphics, automatic numbering and many more options to turn your images into self-explanatory masterpieces. Save time and effort and do away with cumbersome descriptions! Show, don't tell - fast, easy and to the point.

    Create your own real-time videos

    Edit your videos live and add texts, drawings or voice narration. Post-processing is now optional! Visualize mouse clicks and key strokes live in your videos - perfect for tutorials. Don't forget to use the new video watermarking to protect your IP.

    Works with any display

    When working in a multi-display environment, you may be faced with a dozen different screen resolutions and DPI settings. Snap automatically adapts to your display settings for perfect results on any display!

    Perfect for web content

    Not only can Snap 10 capture Internet images but it can also include information on the source page either graphically as part of the image or through metadata. Snap keeps things organized. And if you need to share the image, Snap can add the corresponding link automatically, if needed. Would you like to capture entire web sites, text elements only or capture multiple windows at once? Ashampoo Snap 10 makes it possible!

    Video editing for the perfect movie

    Even already good videos can do with a little polishing: cut out unneeded scenes, remove ads or split up your videos into individual episodes. With Ashampoo Snap 10, you don't require any additional software! The ingeniously easy editor helps you keep only the most important parts and highlights from your videos. Then, simply append another video or export your most precious moments as GIF animations!

    Safely send or upload to the cloud

    Would you like to access your images from anywhere? Ashampoo Snap 10 has got you covered: send images via email, save them to Ashampoo Webspace or upload them to all common clouds services (DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive). If needed, your images can be optimized in size before emailing or uploading them.

    Type of delivery: e-mail, esd
    Delivery time: within 3 working days

    Why choose this software store?
    Our store is secure and offers the safe purchase of sofware Ashampoo Snap:
    • Guarantee that a licence is issued for an end user for software Ashampoo Snap.
      - our experiencee assures, that the license for a Ashampoo Snap license will be correctly delivered and issued for an end user.
    • an EU VAT invoice for the purchase of the Ashampoo Snap software. You can easily book that invoice Ashampoo Snap in costs.
    • A license Certificate in a pdf file in price and for free for the Ashampoo Snap software
    • Free CD with a software Ashampoo Snap and a license key.
    • the customer-friendly privacy rules
      - no spies = no unwanted adverts
      - no unwanted mails besides order processing for Ashampoo Snap
    • purchase secure by:

    From the store rules: §8. "The pictures of programs sold in the online store are their visualization", because most are electronic versions. The shop displays brutto (vat) prices and net prices. Software will be delivered electronically 260/5000 Shop displays prices net excluding VAT tax. If you are outside the European Union, we will not charge VAT. Also, we will not charge you VAT if you are from the EU and provide a valid VAT ID.
    Friday 14 June 2024
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